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Navigate Modern Money Matters With Confidence: Study The Book Ottoman Caliphs Relied Upon (+ Get Ijazah Certification)
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Assignment (398:03)
Course Material
Lesson 11 Test
Lesson 24 Test
Chapter 1: Sales
Lesson 1: Introduction - Fiqh, Maqasid, Philosophy of Mu'amalat (131:23)
Lesson 2: Understanding Property, Currency & Crypto-assets (112:21)
Lesson 3: Services, Rights, Debts and Shared Ownership (121:09)
Lesson 4: Offer and Acceptance, Trading sessions (119:48)
Lesson 5: Trading sessions, Terms and Conditions and Unfair terms (120:11)
Lesson 6: Legal Contract, Revocation & Sale Items (122:15)
Lesson 7: Sale items, Benchmarks and Quantities (123:10)
Lesson 8: Payment, Price Fundamentals (106:03)
Lesson 9: Credit Sales, Possession, Intraday Trading & Dropshipping (106:00)
Lesson 10: Shariah Screening of Shares, Possession & Delivery (125:16)
Lesson 11: Day Trading, Price Changes & Delivery (88:03)
Lesson 12: Withholding sale item, Delivery and estate administration (120:54)
Lesson 13: Q&A with Mohammed Paracha (113:35)
Lesson 14: Islamic Wills, Estates and Pre-sale Possession (130:28)
Lesson 15: Khiyar and Conventional Options (132:01)
Lesson 16: Faulty Goods Option, Islamic Structured Options (135:45)
Lesson 17: Deception Option, Binary Options & Key Islamic Finance Institutions (123:20)
Lesson 18: Salam, Salam in Islamic Banks, Forwards and Futures (127:27)
Lesson 19: Istisna, Parallel Istisna, Islamic Project Financing (119:32)
Lesson 20: BONUS - Sukuk Masterclass - Hondamir Nusratkhujaev (125:39)
Lesson 21: Reflections on Al Sarakhsi's Sharh Kitab Al-Hiyal - Sheikh Sohail Hanif (128:31)
Lesson 22: BONUS - Sukuk Masterclass - Hondamir Nusratkhujaev (138:37)
Lesson 23: Legal Stratagems (135:00)
Lesson 24: SPVs Intro, Bay' al Wafa & Fatal illness (133:47)
Lesson 25: Bay' al-Wafa, SPVs in Islamic Finance (134:37)
BONUS - Introduction to Islamic Finance - Mohammed Paracha (10:18)
BONUS - Asset Murabaha Case Study - Mohammed Paracha (10:06)
BONUS - Commodity Murabaha - Mohammed Paracha (16:49)
BONUS - Ijara Case Study - Mohammed Paracha (18:28)
BONUS - Istisna'a - Mohammed Paracha (6:58)
Sales Revision Sessions
Revision Session 1: Definitions & Preliminaries (101:13)
Revision Session 2: Sales Principles (105:11)
Revision Session 3: Sales Contract Applications (103:36)
Revision Session 4: Khiyar (Options) (109:26)
Revision Session 5: Salam/Istisna'a (108:04)
Chapter 2: Leasing
Lesson 26: Introduction to Leasing, Shariah compliance and Ethics (123:47)
Lesson 27: Ethical Considerations, Intro to Conditions of Ijarah (125:00)
Lesson 28: Lease conditions, sanity, Islamic Moral Economy (131:20)
Lesson 29: Core Contractual Requirements, Sanity, Warranties (116:21)
Lesson 30: Validity of Ijarah, Warranties and Quranic Approach (115:59)
Lesson 31: Void Ijarah and Islamic Credit Cards (121:16)
Lesson 32: Rent Principles, Credit Cards and Balance Transfer Cards (118:50)
Lesson 33: Rent, Fees and Loto (83:57)
Lesson 34: Options in leases and Various Clauses (73:44)
Lesson 35: Vehicle lease & Underwriting (61:10)
Lesson 36: Different types of workers and delivering leased assets (98:47)
Lesson 37: Subleasing, Car Finance & Islamic Car Finance (122:20)
Lesson 38: Employee liability, Permissible & Impermissible jobs, contracts (126:01)
Lesson 39: Assisting in Sin, Ju'alah and Ijarah Mawsufa (130:07)
Lesson 40: Assisting in Sin Part 2 (130:50)
Guest Lecture: Harris Irfan - Monetary System & Crypto (94:11)
Guest Lecture: Nizar Al Shubaily - Riba (124:49)
Guest Lecture: Abdul Haseeb Basit (115:47)
Student Presentations - Student Loans Solutions (122:55)
Guest Lecture: Sultan Choudhury - Islamic Banking (101:13)
Revision Series: Term Two
Session 1: Sales Chapter wrap-up & Overview (80:42)
Session 2: Overview of Ijarah (72:16)
Session 3: Practical Examples of Ijarah Contracts (77:37)
Session 4: Assisting in Sin (53:38)
Business Partnerships
Lesson 41: Ju'alah and Introduction to Business Partnerships (117:15)
Lesson 42: Jointly-owned assets, HPPs & Drag along and Tag along rights (158:07)
Lesson 43: Principles on Jointly owned Receivables, drag along & tag along (122:56)
Lesson 44: Division of jointly-owned assets (129:50)
Lesson 45: Common Law Joint Ownership, Muhaya'ah & Syndication (240:00)
Lesson 46: Shariah Review CLN, SAFEs & ASAs (119:01)
Lesson 47: SAFEs, CLNs Part 2 (124:02)
Lesson 48: Shirkat al-Aqd & Syndicate Financing (120:53)
Lesson 49: Profit sharing, Valuation Models (115:03)
Lesson 50: Service-based Partnerships, Income purification and Irrigation Partnerships (240:00)
Lesson 51: Mudarabah, Modern Corporations and Liability (126:51)
Lesson 52: Private Equity, Share Classes & Profit Distribution (125:16)
Lesson 53: Mudarabah Expenses, Income Sharing and Student Loans (170:31)
In Memory of Mufti Ebrahim Desai (123:31)
Guest Lecture - Mohammed Ashour - Fundraising Masterclass (88:25)
Pitch Session to Investors (111:43)
Guest Lecture - Ibrahim Khan (VC Documents Introduction) (66:44)
Guest Lecture - Rizvan Khalid/IFG on Entrepreneurship and Running a Business (130:24)
Guest Lecture - Ishteaq Mustaque - Mudarabah in Agriculture (85:55)
Guest Lecture - Ahmed Ali Siddiqui - Meezan Bank (84:08)
Meezan Bank Guest Lecture
Lesson 54: Agency principles and Lariba Home financing (113:52)
Lesson 55 - Agency liability and Lariba Financing (142:33)
Guest Lecture - Najib Alaswad (133:53)
Lesson 56: Gifting principles and Multi Level Marketing (123:11)
Lesson 57: Revoking gifts, Cashback Schemes (123:09)
Custodial Assets
Lesson 58 Introduction to Custody and safekeeping (122:34)
Lesson 59: Refinancing and Manzil Case study (95:02)
Guest Lecture - Risk Management (118:33)
Lesson 60: Introduction to Kafala (100:35)
Lesson 61: Principles of Kafalah and L/C (127:35)
Guest Lecture - Takaful - Sh. Zubair Miah (135:02)
Lesson 62: LC and Underwriting (70:53)
Debt Transfer
Lesson 63: Introduction to debt transfer (76:54)
Lesson 64: Hawalah. Modern Applications and BNPL (63:13)
Collateral & Pledge
Lesson 65: Introduction to Rahn (57:54)
Lesson 66: Mortgaged Assets, Debt and Al Rahnu Product (64:21)
Appropriation & Harm
Lesson 67 - Usurpation and Harm (123:51)
Lesson 68: Awqaf SA (Guest Speaker) (115:14)
Lesson 42: Jointly-owned assets, HPPs & Drag along and Tag along rights
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